Author page: Nora Edison

Raw Almonds Health Benefits

Infographic- What Are Raw Almonds Health Benefits?

Fortunately, the delicately flavored almond is available whole year round to make a healthy and tasty addition to both salty as well as sweet cuisines. Being high in protein and various nutrition, raw almond has many health benefits. They are filled with great medicinal properties along with the good taste. It’s one of the reasons why people add them to…

Do stretch exercise

Why You Should Do Stretch Exercise To Reduce Stress- Video

For many of us, reducing stress generally, involves watching TV after long hours of work or maybe going on vacations for a while. Though these methods are helpful, but they only contribute to 10% in reducing stress. A psychologist, on the contrary, suggests having medication in order to reduce stress. But do you know apart from these options, exercises contributes…

Hairstyle tutorial

How Hairstyle Tutorial Can Make You Feel Like A Princess

Name a woman who doesn’t like to try different hairstyles. None, right? Let’s admit regular is boring, differently is dainty. For women who love to try different hairstyles and are always looking for something new, you don’t need a stylist to do that for you. You can do it all by yourself at home without even asking your mother or…

Right pregnancy diet

What Makes Right Pregnancy Diet For Women- Infographic

Are you pregnant? Its time to change your diet plans. What a woman eats or drinks during her pregnancy is the main source of nourishment for her baby. So, experts recommend mothers to have a healthy pregnancy diet. Also, unhealthy pregnancy diet can lead to common heath issues during pregnancy. Still confused about your pregnancy diet plans? No problem, just…