6 Skin Care Routine – What Women with Oily Skin Needs To Know about Skin Care

Oily skin has lots of problems like pimples, dullness, acne, oil on the face. It happens by genetics or hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, lifestyle choices which often trigger oily skin. To have glowing and oil-free skin, you need to have a skincare routine. The most effective skincare routine for oily skin is cleansing, toning, and moisturizing in the morning and night daily. For a complete skincare routine, it is important to choose the right products, wear sunscreen, and wash face after exercising can also reduce oiliness and help keep your skin clear and healthy.

Here is the skincare routine you need to follow caring for oily skin.

Use an oil-fighting cleanser

Use a gentle cleanser to remove excess oil. Wash face twice a day. Don’t overwash your face because it removes the skin natural oils and makes your face more oily.

Reasonable Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the most important skincare step for oily skin. Oily skin is especially prone to dead skin cell build-up, blackheads, and clogged pores.  Gently exfoliating is the only way to remove that build up and diminish clogged pores.

Makeup should not be too thick

If the skin is oily, use oil-free cosmetics, apply the cream before applying makeup and use a control oil foundation.  Always remove makeup once you are back home. The use of too much makeup can cause skin scars.

Use Face Mask

For Oily Skin Use face masks that contain natural ingredients.  Natural face masks help in soaking excess oil from the skin and removes harmful bacteria from the skin. Use a soothing face mask made of fuller earth or sandalwood once a week. It soaks up excess oil, removes impurities, and cools the skin.

Choose to Face Product Wisely

Choose the right product according to your skin needs.  Read the labels and ingredients on your skincare products. The best solution for oily skin is to bring your skin to health.

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