Tag: women

Common Women Health Issues

We are strong, much stronger than we can possibly imagine. Sometimes, we just take ourselves for granted, and that, by the way, ruins our health. Don’t you think it’s time for us to really have a good look of us and introspect? Are we doing everything to keep all sorts of women health issues at bay? Perhaps, not! The first…

Women fitness myths

Some Common Women Fitness Myths – [An Infographic]

Women fitness is an important part of health. Women today are acknowledging the importance of the fit body. Fitness for women have benefits ranging from physical to emotional benefits. For the healthy and fit body, women should take care of their diet and avoid fatty foods. Proper exercise routine to strengthen muscles, lungs and heart build a fit body. In…

Side Effects Of Stopping Birth Control – [An Infographic]

Birth control has lots of perks. It can clear up your skin, regulate your periods, and not to mention prevent pregnancy. There are probably few changes when you started taking birth control pills, like nausea, weight gain, or tender breasts. So, it makes sense that you may have side effects of stopping birth control. If you’ve been popping the pill…

vitamins for women

6 Best Vitamins For Women – [An Infographic]

With countless supplements on the market today, it’s possible to get the best vitamins for women from careful food selection and a nutrient-dense diet, research shows. Many women still experience at least one type of nutrient deficiency. It’s very important to promote women’s health issues. Women’s should be more aware of the need to take care of their bodies and…


How to Promote Women’s Health Issues? – [A Video]

Health is influenced by more than our biology, lifestyles, and access to health care. Women must have access to information base about women’s health issues and the link between their health and socioeconomic roles. For example, research shows alcoholism affects men and women differently.  But prevention and treatment strategies and evaluation of their outcomes do not take this into account.…