
4 Best health fitness accessories


Your body really changes after baby number 2 and it’s not necessarily the look that has moms less than satisfied, but it’s the way the weight has shifted and the seemingly slower reactions to dieting and fitness that puts a damper on the situation.  The key to keeping the mom bode tame is not to conduct daily body judgments but…

Do stretch exercise

Why You Should Do Stretch Exercise To Reduce Stress- Video

For many of us, reducing stress generally, involves watching TV after long hours of work or maybe going on vacations for a while. Though these methods are helpful, but they only contribute to 10% in reducing stress. A psychologist, on the contrary, suggests having medication in order to reduce stress. But do you know apart from these options, exercises contributes…

What men think about women? And how wrong they are!

What do men really think about women from the first impression they have of them. It’s complicated. Whether we accept it or not, men are judgmental and often assume that a woman has a particular trait even if they haven’t talked to them. What? Read below to know the traits and the inferences men make out of your appearance and…

Go for an Easter Hunt With Your Little Ones

So where are you heading for this Easter hunt? Are you even going on a Easter hunt or not? Stop wondering and take your little ones to some special Easter Hunt or plan your own for that matter. Since, it is the holiday time — Good Friday, Easter and so on, plan a memorable Easter egg hunt for your kids.…